As a parent, it’s understandable to be worried about health issues with your kids. The good news is that there are simple steps that you can take to handle some of the most common health problems that kids tend to face. Here are some key examples.
Tooth Ache
First, you might find that your child is struggling with tooth ache. This is common for a multitude of reasons. Firstly, it’s possible that your child has toothache because they are losing their baby teeth. This can cause problems with pain and discomfort if you are not careful. There are other issues too. For instance, you might find that there’s a problem due to the fact that your child’s teeth aren’t sitting correctly. If that’s the case, then you could consider an option like Damon braces to correct their teeth. Particularly, if they have something like a significant overbite.
Next, you should consider whether your child might be suffering from headaches. If they are constantly complaining about head pain, then it’s possible that they could be struggling with headaches or even migraines. This can be anything from a tension headache to a sensory issue, usually, related to your child’s eyesight. This can easily be solved by making sure that they get the right glasses or at the very least, get their eyesight checked.
Growing Pains
Another common health issue would be growing pains. Issues with growing pains tend to happen throughout puberty or in the run up to this stage of development. This is perfectly normal but it can be quite painful, particularly if your child struggles with sensory issues. So, what’s the right way to treat this? Well, the best option would be to make sure that you are providing your kids with some basic treatment options such as pain meds as well as hot water bottles and similar soothing solutions. This can help to reduce the overall pain and discomfort that they might be struggling with.
Colds are completely normal for children, particularly when their immune system is still developing. You can treat these with the typical over the counter medicine and you only need to worry if they develop severe symptoms like a sky high temperature.
If you do find that your children are constantly falling ill, then it could be worth thinking about ways that you can boost their immune system. There are a few steps that you can take to do this. For instance, you can think about investing in some kid’s supplements. This is a great choice because it will give them everything their body needs to stay healthy in the long term.
Ear Infections
Ear infections are another common issue which tends to impact younger and older children alike. Be aware that while an ear infection is not usually serious, it can have quite severe symptoms including a raised temperature and even swollen glands.
In the summer, ear infections become more common for children because they spend time swimming in public pools and water parks. If you are worried about this, then we recommend that you think about getting some ear protectors before you book their next vacation. This is one of the easiest ways that you can save the kids from a nasty infection in the future.
If your child attends school or nursery then the chances are at some point they will come into contact with headlice. These critters are gross and nobody wants to deal with them, however, the sooner they are dealt with the sooner they can be out of your life. If you use preventative measures such as tying long hair up and special shampoos that repel lice then you may never have to face it. It is always worth having the shampoo, conditioner, and lice comb at hand for if and when you need it.
There may come a time when your child struggles with constipation, it can be extremely common in childhood as children don’t drink enough water. Water keeps things flowing freely and prevents blockages in the intestines. However, while constipation is a common issue, it is also easily treatable. You can visit your doctor and get them to prescribe or recommend something to get things moving again. This could be liquid medication such as movicol or lactulose, both are easily for your child to take and don’t taste too awful.
Unfortunately, you may have a child that suffers from allergies. These could be year round or seasonal allergies and the treatment will depend on what your child has. If you take your child to the doctors then they can send away for allergy testing, this will tell you exactly the allergies that your child has. Some of the more common ones include being allergic to nuts, dust, and dairy. These can be easily managed and you need to teach your children to stay away from these products as they are unsafe. If your child has a bad reaction then they may be prescribed an epipen, this is only to be used when things are serious.
Chicken Pox
Lastly, at some point during your child’s life they will come face to face with the dreaded chicken pox. This is where your child will develop itchy spots that typically keep them house bound for around two weeks. The good news is, as long as the spots don’t get picked then they won’t leave scars of any kind. Most children will get chicken pox between the ages of three and five when they start nursery or school. It is important you keep your children away from members of the general public if they have chicken pox as it can be highly contagious. Make sure you invest in some of the better remedies to stop the itching.
We hope this helps you understand some of the common health issues that children are likely to have and the best way to deal with them as a parent. In doing so, you can make sure that they don’t become a headache for you or even get worse without you even realising it.
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