Why Is Your House So Cold?

Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve been shivering on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, wondering why your house feels like it’s the inside of a fridge? Or perhaps you’re in bed and just can’t get to sleep because it’s so cold. The point is, if your home is constantly freezing no matter how high you crank the heating, it might be time to investigate – there’s a problem and you need to get it sorted so you can be comfortable again (and save money – all that heating is going to affect your bank account). With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the reasons your home might be cold so you can do something about it; read on to find out more. 

Photo by Em Hopper

Drafty Windows And Doors

One of the most common reasons why your home might feel cold is because of drafts sneaking in through your windows and doors – even a small gap (so small you can’t even see it) can let in chilly air and make it feel as though your heating system is barely working at all. And this is a common problem because over time, the seals around your doors and windows can wear out, which means you’re basically heating the outdoors instead of inside. 

You’ll need to check for drafts by feeling around the edges of your windows and doors, and if you feel cold air coming in, it’s time to re-seal, which isn’t as much of a chore or a challenge as it might sound. You can use weatherstripping or draft stoppers to keep the cold air outside where it belongs, and to help even more you can use heavier curtains to keep things cozy. 

Poor Insulation 

Insulation might not be something you’ve ever thought about before, mainly because it’s usually hidden away, and that’s really the issue – if you can’t see it, you won’t know if it needs replacing or even if it’s there at all, and that could be where the problem lies when it comes to your cold house. If your home is badly insulated, all the heat you’re paying for is escaping right through your walls, roof, and even your floors, so no matter how high the heating is, it’s not going to help. 

The best thing to do is contact insulation companies so you can find the right one to come and inspect your home for you. The experts will be able to determine how good (or not) your insulation is, and if it needs to be replaced or installed, they’ll be able to do it for you in the right way. Your heating bills should go down and you’ll instantly feel a lot warmer. 

Photo by Pixabay

Your Heating System Isn’t Great

Sometimes the issue might not be anything to do with your house at all – it might be down to your heating system not doing its job properly. If it’s old or it hasn’t been properly maintained over the years, it might not be as efficient as it should be, and that can leave some rooms feeling icy cold – or perhaps the whole house, depending on what’s wrong. 

Unless you’re an expert, it’s going to be hard for you to notice too many issues with your boiler unless it’s making a funny noise, but you will be able to spot if your radiators aren’t heating up, for example, and that’s a sure sign it’s your heating system that’s to blame for the temperature. Call in experts to tune it all up and consider replacing your boiler if it’s old as it could be the most efficent and cost-effective option. 

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