Retirement Planning boils down to these 3 key things

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Have you considered what you will do when you get older? Not everyone relishes the thought of entering their senior years, and it doesn’t matter if you’re 25, 35, or 55 and on the cusp of retirement. Understanding what your needs might be or what you want your life to look like once you reach this stage of life isn’t something you should put off.

But what do you need to consider? The beauty of retirement planning lies in its flexibility. Remember, nothing is set in stone, and you can always adjust your plans to fit your current circumstances. This adaptability should reassure you that no matter what life throws at you, you can always find a way to make your retirement years comfortable and enjoyable.

Living Arrangements

There are multiple living arrangements open to you for your senior year. You can choose to reside where you currently live, or you can move in with your family if this is an option. You can write to a retirement community, assisted living, or nursing home care, or you can join the growing trend of retirees living their lives on a permanent vacation, traveling the country or the world, staying on cruise ships, or in all-inclusive resorts for part of the year.

So when you think of how you want to live in your golden years, your accommodation can make all the difference to your quality of life.


Health can be a tricky thing to plan for. You could be the picture of health one day, and the next, it can all be gone due to an illness or injury. It can be really hard to imagine how your health will be even a few months from now, never mind a few years. However, being mindful of any current health conditions or potential conditions you could be at risk of that are hereditary and simply having funds or resources in place can be a huge help. Taking proactive steps to safeguard your health is not just responsible, but an empowering part of retirement planning, putting you in control of your future.


Financial planning is not just important, it’s key to living a comfortable life in retirement. According to industry experts, you need to be able to replace around 80% of your current income. Whether this is via savings, investments, inheritance, selling property, or benefits you might be entitled to, having a solid financial plan in place can provide a sense of security and preparedness for your retirement years. It’s not just about the money, it’s about the peace of mind it brings.

But looking at your lifestyle now can give you an indicator of how much you will need to live off once you retire. Whether you’re able to save money or not, knowing what income you will and won’t have or what assistance you will be entitled to can be an eye-opening experience and help you put plans in place to ensure you can live comfortably or live the retirement life you want, how you want. This could be a life of leisure, travel, or even starting a new career or business if you so wish; your retirement, your rules!

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