Simple ways to make your home an eco-friendly haven

Studies show that almost 80% of us want to learn to live more sustainably. If you’re eager to do more to protect the planet, there are some very simple ways to get started at home. In this guide, we’ll outline some small steps you can take to make a big difference. Going green is beneficial for the environment, but it can also help you to reduce household spending and create a restful, comfortable, eco-friendly haven. 

Boosting energy efficiency

One of the best ways to make your home more environmentally friendly is to boost energy efficiency. The more efficient your house is, the lower your energy consumption. Reducing energy usage lowers your carbon footprint and it can have a dramatic impact on your bills. There are several ways you can create a more energy-efficient home. 

Insulation is key when trying to increase energy efficiency. If your home doesn’t have robust insulation, it will lose heat quickly and you’ll have to use your heating system more frequently to stay warm. There are insulation options to suit every budget. You can invest in attic and cavity wall insulation and explore home window replacement and new doors if you’re looking for effective, long-term solutions. Cheaper options include sealing window and door frames, using draught excluders and applying DIY secondary glazing sheets. Heavy curtains can also help to trap heat. It’s worth doing some research and getting quotes for different insulation options and calculating short and long-term costs and savings. It’s worth noting that home improvements, such as installing double glazing and adding new windows and doors, will add value to your home as well as cutting bills. 

Another step to take to enhance energy efficiency is to replace old bulbs and appliances with newer versions. New appliances and energy-efficient light bulbs are designed to utilize less energy and they cost less to run. 

For many of us, keeping heating and cooling systems running is a major source of expenditure. As well as improving insulation, it’s also beneficial to upgrade heating systems and use a thermostat. If you set a temperature using your thermostat, the heating and cooling systems will only spring into life when the temperature rises above or below the optimum level. You can adjust the settings in line with your requirements and preferences. If you’re going away for a few days during the winter, for example, you may want to lower the temperature to reduce your energy bills. 

Recycling and repurposing

Many of the materials we use in our homes are recyclable. If you don’t already have containers for products made from glass, metal, cardboard, paper and plastic, now is the time to embrace recycling. Recycling reduces waste and it enables us to make the most out of resources and natural materials. As well as recycling household materials and products, you can also look for ways to repurpose items you don’t want or need anymore. Upcycling furniture is a brilliant example. Rather than throwing old chests and chairs that have seen better days away, why not exercise your creative skills and create new pieces of furniture you can either keep, sell or donate? It’s also beneficial to donate or sell other products, including clothing, electrical appliances, books and homewares. 

Another important consideration for homeowners is reducing waste, including food. We throw a huge amount of food away each year as a result of buying too much or purchasing products and ingredients we don’t need. Write a shopping list before you go to the store, plan a menu and make use of leftovers. If you tend to make too much when you’re cooking, create meals and snacks from the ingredients you have left or freeze additional portions to use later in the week. 

Shopping sustainably

More and more of us are thinking about where the products we buy come from. Consumers today have a deep-seated interest in sustainability, and many search for products made from recycled or sustainable materials, as well as looking for brands that champion sustainability and eco-friendly practices. To embrace greener ways of shopping, it’s a good idea to read labels and research products and brands and think about the choices you make in terms of how many products you purchase and how they reach you. Many online retailers offer eco-friendly delivery and packaging options now, for example. 

In recent years, fast fashion has hit the headlines. Online shopping has made it easier than ever to buy products that arrive at your door within days. The convenience of shopping and low prices have triggered changes in consumer buying habits. To become a more sustainable shopper, it’s best to prioritize quality over quantity and to avoid buying products like items of clothing for the sake of it. If you tend to make spontaneous purchases, or you have clothes hanging in your closet with tags on, ask yourself if you really need the item before you add it to your cart. Make the most of the clothes you already own. Creating a capsule wardrobe is a fantastic way to make your wardrobe more versatile without spending a fortune on new pieces. Mix and match essentials and add a few on-trend seasonal pieces and accessories to design diverse looks using a small number of items. 

Research suggests that more than a third of consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable products. If you’re keen to go green, look for brands that specialize in sustainable goods and services, opt for natural, organic materials and take some time to learn more about the companies you buy from. If the environment is really important to you, try to find brands that share your values. You may prefer to shop with a retailer that plants trees or contributes to wildlife conservation, for example. 

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The start of a new year is a brilliant time to make changes. The environment is a subject that interests most of us. If you’re looking to turn your home into an eco-friendly haven in 2023, simple changes can make a dramatic difference. Insulate your home, boost energy efficiency and recycle. Try to reduce waste and shop more sustainably.