How to Make Your Health Goals a Priority

If there’s one thing that we should all make our priority in life, it’s our health. We can set goals for ourselves and try and plan to have a great life, but unless we take care of ourselves, that can be pretty hard to achieve. This is often why our health and well-being need to be one of the top priorities in life. But when we’re so busy, this can often feel hard. However, as with many other … [Read more...]

Simple Daily Habits to Maintain Cognitive Brain Health for Life

The brain is one of the most important organs in the body, controlling everything from memory and emotions to problem-solving and decision-making. Many people don’t think about brain health until problems start, but small habits can make a big difference in keeping the mind sharp. Taking care of mental health is just as important as physical health, and making the right choices now can protect … [Read more...]

Low on confidence? Here are easy ways to get your Mojo back

Are you suffering from low confidence or self-esteem? Fortunately, confidence is not something innate or unshakable. In fact, it is something that you’ll have to work on building (or maintaining) every single day.  Photo by Clarke Sanders on Unsplash As such, if you feel as though you’ve lost your mojo lately, you’ll be pleased to hear that there are plenty of steps that you can take to … [Read more...]

Recipe: Protein-Packed Healthy Green Muffins

Healthy Green Muffins with Spinach Banana and Pecans These gorgeous Green Muffins inspired by the Green Smoothie recipe, are a powerhouse of flavor and nutrition, and they are perfect for St.Patrick’s Day celebration! With their beautiful Green color, and a wonderful combination of ingredients like Spinach, Banana and Nuts, you couldn’t expect anything less! Plus, I love the fact that it uses very … [Read more...]

How to help your toddler get ready for preschool

Picture this: you’re sipping on day-old coffee, wearing pajamas that might be older than your toddler, and suddenly you realize that your little human is, in fact, not so little anymore. They’re taking over the living room with crayons, building block towers in the kitchen, and somehow discovered how to roll your best throw pillows into makeshift bowling balls. Congratulations! You’ve arrived at … [Read more...]

Top Wellness Trends You Need to Embrace Now

Wellness isn’t just about green smoothies and hitting the gym anymore. It’s a whole lifestyle now, and honestly, it’s changing faster than most of us can keep up with. The good news? Some of these new trends are actually super doable. We’re talking about things that make real sense, not just gimmicks that leave you wondering why you spent $80 on a magic potion that tastes like dirt. So, let’s take … [Read more...]

What happens to your body when you eat junk food often?

Pexels - CC0 License Everyone likes eating junk food from time to time. But how often should you actually consume the stuff?  That’s the big question.  Fortunately, this post has some answers. We look at what the experts have to say, and whether it is ever worth indulging in baked goods, donuts, candies, and deep-fried fast food meals.  Once Per Week?  Once per … [Read more...]

10 Must-Do Renovations that add Value to your Home

If you’re currently considering selling your home, the best thing that you can do is plow a little cash into it and make some upgrades. Not only do you want to get the maximum price for your house, you should want to make sure that the house you sell is one that you can be proud to have owned. Your home is your castle, and an untidy, broken down castle is not one that sells to the new buyers. In … [Read more...]

How To Reclaim Your Health (When Starting From Rock Bottom)

Pexels - CC0 License Reclaiming your health is one of the most powerful things you can do to turn your life around. But how do you go about it effectively?  That’s the real question. It’s one thing to know you're at rock bottom, but turning it around is quite another.  Fortunately, this guide has some answers. We look at the strategies you can use from the ground up to transform … [Read more...]

How to identify, acknowledge and manage your addictions

Some people become more easily addicted to things than others. This is informally known as having an ‘addictive personality’. Learning to manage such a personality is important - while it can be turned into a positive trait, it can also be hugely negative if you get addicted to the wrong things. Below are some of the signs that you may have an addictive personality and a few tips on how you can … [Read more...]