7 Summer Makeovers to Refresh Your Home

Are you bored with the look of your house and need a refresh to reflect the warm and beautiful weather outside? And are you looking for DIY tips that will help you achieve a new look without breaking your bank? Then you've come to the right place, because I'm sailing in the same boat as you, and in a need to get a new look out of my home, I have outlined the top ideas and inspirational tips that … [Read more...]

Small Steps to a Healthier Lifestyle

Want to lead a healthier lifestyle but find yourself consistently falling off the wagon? You’re not alone. So many of us have all the best intentions when it comes to living a healthy life, but find it difficult to commit to the changes that will help us to achieve this. It’s important that you take small steps and make them a habit before moving on to the next change. You should also avoid taking … [Read more...]

How to Pair Food and Fitness for the Best Results

If you're looking to get fit and healthy, you're probably wondering how to pair fitness and food for the best results. Both are essential aspects of a healthy lifestyle, but they can be tricky to balance. This blog post will discuss the benefits of each and give you some tips on how to make them work together. 1) Focus on nutrition Eating healthy foods is the foundation of a healthy … [Read more...]

Top Tips to Prepare Your Garden for Summer Parties

Image credit Whether you want to host alfresco evenings for your friends, or kids' birthday parties, your garden is a great place to extend your home and create a great event for everyone to enjoy. With the lighter evenings, warmer weather, and beautiful colors in nature to enjoy, garden parties in the summer are a must.  If your garden has been neglected over the years, hosting a garden … [Read more...]

Health symptoms that a woman should never ignore

So many women do not take their health as seriously as they could because they think that unusual symptoms will be fine or simply because they don’t have much time to dedicate to getting things checked out with work and family commitments. This is totally understandable, but women really do need to take their health seriously because lots of conditions they suffer from can be more difficult to … [Read more...]

Jamming Out With A New Guitar Hobby

Whether you’re looking for a new way to grow your skills and explore your abilities, you’ve always had a passion for music that you want to explore, or you’re simply bored and looking for something to do, playing guitar can be an excellent hobby to get into. It’s a hobby that takes some investment and organization, however, so you might want to do a little prep to make sure that you’re able to … [Read more...]

How To Get Your Kids More Involved In The Kitchen

Source (CC0 License) Cooking is a life skill that everyone needs to learn. Unfortunately, some kids can grow into adults without learning how to cook. They depend on their parents to make everything for them, so it’s a real shock when they go to college or move out and have to do it all themselves.  Parents should encourage their children to be involved in the kitchen from a young age. … [Read more...]

4 Ways to Save Money On Work Essentials

Whether working from home or gradually making your way back to the office full-time or part-time, saving money should still be on your mind. It seems to be getting even more expensive to live and get by, so having a little extra saved up could help you in an emergency. However, there are some essentials that you still need to pay for, especially when it comes to your career. Luckily, there are … [Read more...]

How to Boost Your Wellbeing with Self-Care

Self-care is a term that has been used for decades to describe the actions that people take in order to maintain their mental and physical health. The term “self-care” was first used in 1961 by Dr. Margaret Kemeny in her book “On Becoming a Person”. Self-care can be anything from taking time for yourself, going on vacation, practicing mindfulness, or eating healthy food. What is Self-Care & … [Read more...]

5 Guaranteed Ways to Boost Your Career Growth

When things simply aren’t going the way you want them to in your career, it’s up to you to think about what needs to change. Career growth often stalls and you might feel uncertain about the route you’re taking. But you can give yourself a new boost by trying out a few options, and we’re going to talk more about those options today. So if you want to learn more about them and why they’re useful, … [Read more...]