Avoid These Common Mistakes to Guarantee a Successful Home Renovation

Image credit A renovation project costs a lot of money and takes a lot of time. The last thing you want to experience is problems with your renovation. To help you get the most out of your renovation project and minimize any risks and delays, here are some of the most common mistakes that you should avoid.  Not doing enough research Sufficient research will be the foundation of your … [Read more...]

Four Reasons Why You Should Take Up Baking

Image Source: Pexels Is there anything quite as satisfying as watching a bunch of ingredients turn into something delicious? If you agree, then you should take up baking as a hobby. Baking doesn't just cover cakes, but the pies, cheesecakes, biscuits, cookies - you name it, you can bake it. Baking takes time, effort and energy, but it’s also going to give you a chance to feel good. There is a … [Read more...]

Quick ways to spruce up your home over the weekend

(Image credit) We all desire our ideal house, and it's only reasonable to want your place to be precisely how you want it. We always fantasize about how we want our homes to look and what characteristics we want them to have while we're young. Tastes and preferences will vary over time, but we will constantly be thinking about how we can improve our houses, get with the times as they say when … [Read more...]

When Do Wisdom Teeth Become A Problem?

Wisdom teeth are “extra” teeth that can begin to erupt alongside your existing set of teeth, often appearing in early adulthood, long after all of your permanent teeth have come out and settled. When they don’t erupt fully and healthily, they can cause damage to your other teeth, jaw problems, as well as an increased chance of cavities and infection. Not all wisdom teeth are a problem, but if … [Read more...]

New Home Move-in Checklist

Moving into your new home is all kinds of exciting. But once you've moved in, you unfortunately can't start enjoying yourself right away. There's a lot to do, including getting everything unpacked and possibly waiting for new furniture to arrive too. Before you start really settling in, there are some important things that you'll want to do to start making your new home your own. You can take care … [Read more...]

How To Manage Your Finances Using Credit Cards

Image Credit Credit cards have something of a negative reputation when it comes to personal finances and the reasons why are definitely valid. The 2019 Experian Consumer Credit Review revealed that the average American owns four credit cards. For many, credit cards have very high annual fees, can damage one's credit score, and inspire overspending. However, when it comes to managing your … [Read more...]

Healthy Green Muffins

Healthy Green Muffins with Spinach Banana and Pecans I'm back from a fabulous vacation in Australia, and I am ready to take it on! All the swimming, scuba-diving and snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef, the heart-warming hikes in the rain-forests and the fabulous food in Sydney was a wonderful break, and now I am ready to ride the blogging trail again! The best part, we came home and see that our … [Read more...]

4 Tips To Help You Become A Better Cook

Cooking is enjoyable and thrilling, and it allows us to experience a variety of new and delicious recipes without ever leaving our homes. Making dishes for one's self, family, and friends, on the other hand, can be intimidating rather than enjoyable for those who lack confidence in their culinary abilities. Even the most accomplished cooks may feel that they could improve.  Photo by … [Read more...]

Don’t Let Aches & Pains Get in the Way of your Happiness

Have you ever woken up to feel that ache in your calf yet again, or the niggle in your lower back once more? Health niggles can get us down and make us feel low especially if they are chronic. We might end up going to the doctor numerous times, only to begin to feel like a nuisance because there is no diagnosis of note or cause to be found for any pain or ache that you might be experiencing. You … [Read more...]

Can bad lighting affect your mood and health?

Unsplash - CC0 License Over the last few years, we’ve been spending considerably more time indoors. As such, we’ve had less natural light than we would normally get – something that has had a significant impact on our collective immune systems.  Not being outside, particularly during the day, can actually have a direct effect on how the body functions. It turns out that we need natural … [Read more...]