Substances that are key to a healthy body and active mind

Pexels. CCO Licensed. The elixir of life is a mythical potion that is said to grant a person eternal life and youth. There are many fictional tales featuring this potion. But what if such a substance was to exist in real life? Scientists have made great progress over the last few decades when it comes to understanding how different chemicals affect the ageing process. While we’re not quite … [Read more...]

7 Calcium rich foods for bone health

Pexels. CCO Licensed. A calcium rich diet is important for the health of our bones, muscles and teeth. The most common way to consume calcium is through dairy. But there are alternative options for those that are lactose intolerant, allergic, vegan or simply impartial to milk. Below are 7 foods that are great sources of calcium. Soy milk Soy milk is the most popular plant-based milk. It … [Read more...]

How to get up and running after a surgery

Recovering from major surgery can be very hard and feels like a major setback. Your body has been through a lot, and although doctors make it sound like routine, the surgery is the easy part for you; it is the recovery where the rocky roads start. We want to guide you through this rocky path to get you back on your feet in no time. Let’s make this recovery journey a bit smoother with some handy … [Read more...]

How to care for a sick loved one

Source When a loved one in your life gets sick, it can be such a scary and challenging time to go through. However, you may find that you need to be able to park those feelings in order to support and take care of them. If this is a position you have recently found yourself in, you may find that the below five points help you to make the right adjustments and take the best possible care of your … [Read more...]

How to stay busy and active without sacrificing your health

Via Pexels Never one to defer honor, I decided that the best use of my time would be not simply 'resting', but instead making a conscious effort on how you spend your free time. But the difficulty arises when you have to lead a busy scheduled life while staying fit and healthy. Strategizing and formulating smart habits to balance work, family responsibilities as well personal commitments while … [Read more...]

4 philosophies to create a life you love!

Pexels You want to wake up each day feeling your best and happy about your life. In the case that you are facing struggles and are feeling out of sorts then it’s important to take action to turn your situation around for the better.  It’s never too late to start again and take a new approach. Be prepared to work hard and know that your efforts will soon pay off. If you’re ready to make … [Read more...]

Simple steps to help reduce stress levels and anxiety

Image - Pixabay CC0 License There’s no escaping the fact that modern life is stressful. Moreover, as our understanding of mental health continues to grow, millions of people are now learning to live with anxiety. It isn’t possible to simply eradicate stress and anxiety from your life. However, putting the right strategies in place will enable you to reduce the impact and regain a sense of … [Read more...]

How to use Video Games to De-stress and Relax

CC0 Licensed Image Courtesy of Pexels It might surprise you to know that millions of people are depressed by video games. There are tons of genres to choose from, and some are even designed to help you relax. From cozy games for passing away the hours to getting more from your games, here are some ideas. Sit Back with a Classic No matter your age, there are classic games that can take … [Read more...]

A 12-point plan to start a new restaurant as a business owner

Starting a restaurant from scratch can be a daunting yet rewarding experience if done properly. Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash Here Are A Few Helpful Hints To Get Your Restaurant Off The Ground: 1. Research your local area. Gather data about the local economy, demographics, and competition. Understanding who your potential customers are, as well as existing restaurants, will … [Read more...]

Updates To Consider For An Improved Home Space

Pexels Your home is a big investment of your time and money. You want to make sure that you enjoy living at home and that it’s a welcoming place to be. In this case, it’s important that you keep up with making improvements to it over the years. You’ll appreciate the upgrades and it’ll be easier to sell one day in the future. Begin by gathering some ideas as to what you can do to make it a … [Read more...]