Your home is something that should take huge precedence in your life - but for many of us, it's something that falls by the wayside as life's other pressures and responsibilities inevitably take over. We might not even notice it, but our homes can slowly start to lose their sheen, and before we know it they are a shadow of what they once were. This can be really disappointing and can make you feel … [Read more...]
Spring Rice Pilaf
Spring Rice Pilaf Daffodils are smiling all around, people are planning their vegetable gardens, the sun keeps playing hide-and-seek with the clouds that occasionally burst into rain, and kids are off from school celebrating the sunny weather outside - all this means just one thing, Spring is finally here! As you all get ready to plan weekend getaways, a picnic on a nearby lake, a day at the … [Read more...]
Banana Nutella Muffins
Banana Muffins swirled with Nutella Two weeks ago, I saw a movie that captured the essence of Paris in every shot, and I was reminded of our fun vacation days in the romantic city, touring the streets and walking along the Siene River, admiring the gigantic Eiffel Tower sparkling in multi-colored lights to woo its audience at sunset. But when I think about Paris, the one thing that tops the … [Read more...]
How To Boil An Egg Perfectly
Perfectly Soft-Boiled Egg via Respectful Eggs Eggs are a powerhouse of nutrition, and one of the best ways to enjoy an egg is by boiling it, then sprinkling it with some salt and pepper, and off it goes into your mouth! With just 70 calories, and full of nature’s most perfect form of protein, boiled eggs are a good thing to include in your diet. I am trying to get my toddler to eat eggs … [Read more...]
Cucumber & Cream Cheese Tea Sandwiches
Cucumber Cream Cheese & Pesto Sandwiches Spring is in the air, and I am sure as the days get warmer, a lot of us plan small parties and get-togethers to enjoy a bit of the sun in our backyards or patios. That's what happened a couple weeks ago when group of friends gathered in my house for a cup of fresh Strawberry Lemonade, some mini Cucumber Cream Cheese Sandwiches, and a lot of idle … [Read more...]
Paneer Tikka Masala
Paneer Tikka Masala - Marinated paneer and veggies grilled and cooked in a spicy Indian gravy When it comes to Indian cuisine, Paneer needs no introduction. If there's a celebration that involves Indian food, then you are sure to find Paneer on the menu list. And why not - with its smooth and creamy texture, a chunky cubical form, and its ability to absorb and accentuate the flavors of anything … [Read more...]
Strawberry Yogurt & Cream Cheese Popsicles
Strawberry Yogurt & Swirled Cream Cheese Popsicles Summer is all about enjoying the fresh bounty of fruits that floods the farmer's market. We picked up a few favorites ourselves, namely blueberries, strawberries and mangoes. But alas, we stocked our pantry with more fruit than we could consume - and I was in no mood to spend my holiday weekend cooking a lot of stuff. So I … [Read more...]
ExpertTalk: Pie Baking 101
I am thrilled to pen down my first post in this new series that we are launching at FFC. ExpertTalk, as the name suggests, will bring to you some expert tips, tricks and techniques about the chosen topic, which in this case, is Pie Baking. Today we are joined by Deeba, the chef behind the glorious creations at Passionate About Baking, and Shaheen, the famous chef also known as The Purple Foodie. … [Read more...]
Vegetable Tofu Fried Rice
Asian-Style Tofu Fried Rice When it comes to comfort food, there are a few favorites that spring right into your mind - Mac & Cheese, Parathas (flatbreads), Rice and Dal, warm soups or your favorite dessert. These are some of the things that you never go wrong with. But I think more innovative cooking happens when you take your favorite comfort foods and enhance them or re-design them with … [Read more...]