3 Steps to Mending and Healing a Broken Ankle


Have you ever suffered from a sprained or broken ankle? Has it taken you weeks and weeks to recuperate, and even then the pain and strength loss lingers on for months? Then this post is worth a read, since it highlights the 3 steps you need to follow to treat and heal a broken ankle!

“That’s definitely broken”, are the first thoughts that come into your mind when the ground suddenly gives way beneath one of your legs. The breaking of an ankle is a moment you won’t forget. It’s one of the strongest large ball joints in our body. It carries a lot of weight and allows the foot to rotate and extend. So when it snaps, it sounds like the lid of a paint can being sealed shut. It’s a clearly distinctive sound. The healing process is going to be long and it will be arduous. However, it’s not the end of the world and you can still walk again. Using some health tips and knowledge you can feel a lot better quicker during the months when you’re on crutches. More than likely you’ll have to take some time off from work, so use this time to focus on this tough journey of regaining movement and strength.

Get unstuck
Any part of our body that isn’t being used, the brain will relegate as not important. Thus, we will lose muscle mass and our bones will become thinner. We’re not putting notable stress on this part of our body anymore so we become weaker as the body sees no need to keep us strong there. So, do these kinds of toe curling exercises while in the cast. It might hurt a little, so take your time and try to focus on your mind to muscle connection. Gradually increase the tightness or angle of your toes to a full clinch.

Put it to rest
Why would or should you take time off work when you have a broken ankle? There are 3 reasons, held by 3 different people. You don’t want to be in any more pain than you need to be, doing things that put your ankle under pressure. Your boss doesn’t want to have an employee that is more of a burden than a help around the office. Your surgeon and or doctor doesn’t want you to make things worse by not allowing your body to heal. But many people still want to work, because they’re losing money. Very understandably, you’re worried about how you’re going to pay the healthcare bills. So maybe you need to contact Hupy & Abraham’s courteous personal injury lawyers which deal with slip and fall cases. Very often these do involve broken ankles and wrists, so they know how to make your case and get back the money you lose when you’re not able to work.

Time for weight bearing
During the second period of healing which starts at around 3 weeks, you will slowly be able to put some weight back on your ankle. Take the doctor’s advice to take small steps with and eventually without the crutches in the safety of your own home. Walk to the kitchen from the living room and back. Slowly your muscles and ankle will regain strength and you’re on your way back to normal.First, get unstuck by wiggling and curling your toes while still in the cast. Then you can begin to put a little weight on your ankle but walk gingerly in the beginning. Finally at 6 weeks you can off the cast and get back to life.

Need some more reading? Check out this article for more tips on How to identify and fix a broken ankle. Hope you don’t suffer from this pain ever, but if you do, make sure you follow these steps to fix your ankle the right way, because if you start jumping and hopping again before its entirely healed, you could create lifetime issues that would be hard to revert.

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