5 Frugal Ways Towards a Healthier Body

Today, I'm sharing a simple yet powerful post with you, inspired by the Sara Lee® 45 Delightful People Program. When asked to share my personal story that helped me fuel a transformation, it gave me an opportunity to really evaluate how small changes can make a big difference. Interested, then read on! After my second pregnancy, I found it very hard to get fit again, and the extra flab on my … [Read more...]

Top Tips To Keep Your Bones Healthy

As we get older, it is more important than ever to look after our bones and joints. Failure to do so will lead to serious health conditions such as arthritis that can make moving around difficult, possibly leading to other medical problems. We can’t stop aging, but we can make lifestyle choices to protect the bones and joints in our bodies. In this article, we will offer you guidance in … [Read more...]

Healthy Breakfast On The Go!

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Jimmy Dean, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #BreakfastDelight  http://cmp.ly/3/8vNxcO. Mornings in our house are a scene of madness! With my little one tucked in one hand, I manage to get my older one to brush her teeth quickly, then eat her breakfast quickly, get her lunch ready … [Read more...]

How We Fight The Flu At Our Home

“This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Kleenex but all the opinions are my own. #pmedia #KleenexTarget http://cmp.ly/3/8vNxcO” Have you and your family got your Flu shot yet? and does it work for you? These are very valid questions that people face as soon as the flu and allergy season strikes in. Everyone in our family takes the … [Read more...]

Top Foods To Avoid For Heartburn & Indigestion

These days, we have started relying on packaged food for most of our nutrition needs, and while some people still prefer to go Organic, or make 3 meals a day at home, sometimes its just not possible to achieve these targets, given our increasingly hectic lives! While packaged foods are convenient, they are loaded with preservatives to increase shelf life, which also leads to another serious … [Read more...]

Is Your Thyroid Making You Tired?

It's not a surprise that our lives are getting more and more stressful by the minute. We’re under pressure at our jobs, and while family life is wonderful, it’s also a nonstop effort to keep up with the kids and make sure that the house is running smoothly. It’s no wonder that we run out of energy at times. It’s perfectly normal, so long as it doesn’t happen all of the time. However, some types of … [Read more...]

Why You Should Keep your Kids Away From Sodas

Sometimes I wonder how educated our society really is! I was eating lunch in my cafeteria last week, and I saw a bunch of parents tagging their kids along. And while most kids were eating sandwiches or burgers for their lunch, I was really surprised to see almost all of them grabbing a can of soda from the refrigerator!! And just the other day I was at a kid's birthday party, and I saw that the … [Read more...]

Healthy Choices For a Healthy Life

These days, almost everyone has jumped on the Be Healthy, Stay Healthy bandwagon. and why not. With the increasing knowledge about how obesity can lead to tonnes of diseases, it is only fair to start being healthy right from the beginning, and its all the more important to keep your kids healthy, and inculcate a healthy perspective in your entire family. Being a working mom, I try to keep a … [Read more...]

A Working Mom’s Guide to Stress Management

As a mother of a pre-schooler and a newborn, I know I often feel the need to just sit back and relax, but even that feels like a luxury these days! But am I complaining? definitely not, because I have carved my life to be happy with 5 hours of sleep at night, and enjoy the rest of the day with my little one and my family, finding time to squeeze in some relaxing activities that help me enjoy this … [Read more...]

How To Use Nasal Sprays to Fight Allergies

Spring and summer are prime allergy season in most parts of the US. Between the pollen from plants, animal dander, and the molds caused by spring rains, this time of year could have your entire family begging for relief. Even if you have a prescription for allergy medication, there are probably times where it does not seem to make a dent. This could be because the allergens are actually stuck to … [Read more...]