You Snooze, You Lose! The Keys to an Amazing Morning

A lot of people moan about the mornings. But the morning is really the most important part of your day - how you go about it can inform how the rest of your day is going to go in big ways. You need to start your day right - so make sure you get a decent amount of sleep and, instead of hitting the snooze button (never hit the snooze button!), make sure you’ve got all of this down! Be … [Read more...]

Simple Ways to Lose Tummy Fat

Our body fat is a little like real estate – it’s all about location, location, location! In addition to an unsightly pouch, excess belly fat is responsible for all sorts of troubles, as this deep layer affects hormones and proteins that can make your cholesterol levels worse, and contribute to insulin resistance. Everyone has what is known as visceral fat, but problems result when there is too … [Read more...]

Fruits Can Help Fight Diabetes

Diabetes Diet Plan Should Include Fruit, New Study Finds Doctors who have recommended limited fruit intake in a diabetic diet in the past now have a compelling reason to change that recommendation. A new study by researchers in Denmark has found that more fruit does not have a negative impact on glycemic control for patients with diabetes. In fact, larger helpings of fruit daily could help … [Read more...]

5 Types of Herbal Teas That Are Good For Your Body

Everybody knows that a cup of tea can cure a lot of simple problems. It’s no wonder why tea has been one of the most popular beverages of choice for the last few thousand years. But in addition to warming you up on a rainy day or giving you a bit of extra energy, different kinds of teas have other health benefits, too. The war between which one is more beneficial - Coffee or Tea, has been going on … [Read more...]

How To Improve Your Eyesight

Good health is second to none, and though we all know this, we don’t give it the importance that it deserves, until something gets out of hand and a discomfort turns into an ailment! One such neglected part of our body are the Eyes. Yes, we use them for nearly 18 hours non-stop, and don’t offer it a minute of rest in between, unless they start itching, turning red or getting dry. Being able to SEE … [Read more...]

Dannon Oikos Greek Yogurt – Review & Giveaway

Greek Yogurt with Fresh Berries Summer is finally on in full swing, and I'm sure most of us are planning trips to the beach to laze around and enjoy the water, sand and the sun, as it shines in all its glory! But getting fit for the summer outfits is also high on the priority list, and these tips from Keri Glassman, a nationally recognized nutrition expert, will help you lose those excess pounds, … [Read more...]

Yoga at Work – 5 Minute Neck Stretches

Desk Yoga - 5 minute Neck & Shoulder Exercises at Work Are you one of those 20 million people who sit rubbing and massaging their sore neck and shoulder muscles every 2 hours or so? Then this article is a must-read for you! Sitting at your desk all day can literally be a pain in the neck. And not just physically, it can make a huge dent on your pocket too - I have definitely paid more than a … [Read more...]

How To Safely Lose 5 Pounds in 5 Weeks

How To Lose Fat in a Healthy Way A month ago I had a visit with my general physician, and through I was in good shape, as we chatted casually, she commented how I was still 12 pounds overweight than my pre-pregnancy weight! I know most Moms cut themselves some slack after pregnancy and its no harm as long as you are in a healthy weight range. But still, this conversation spurred me into trying to … [Read more...]

Whey – The Protein for Vegetarians

Being a vegetarian since birth, a lot of people ask me how I fulfill the need of proteins in my diet. Do I use protein powders? Well, as most other vegetarians, getting enough protein into our system just by means of diet can be a bit of a challenge, especially if you are trying to gain or lose weight and are on a special fitness regime. I have used protein shakes while following diets, so I'm … [Read more...]

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile Tea The science of using herbs and flowers for natural remedies is very ancient, and has been widely adopted by all cultures. In fact, some of these are now gaining more ground, as most of the medicines available these days seem to have more side-effects than healing effects! More and more people are leaning towards natural herb remedies for prevention of minor day-to-day health … [Read more...]