How To Get Your Health Back On Track & Feel Your Best

Pexels You want to make sure that you’re always taking good care of yourself day in and day out. Keep in mind that it’s never selfish to put your own needs first. It’s normal to have setbacks or times in your life when you get busy and don’t make yourself a top priority. The good news is that it’s never too late to make changes and turn your situation around for the better. Here you can … [Read more...]

How To Develop Your Mental & Cognitive Skills

If you think you might benefit from developing your mental and cognitive skills a little, you are not alone. This is something that can make pretty much everything in life considerably easier, and it’s going to be vital to make sure that you are thinking about this in some way or another. In truth, there is never a limit to how much you can develop your mind, so it’s something you are always able … [Read more...]

10 Proven Ways To Keep Your Brain Active And Happy At Any Age

If you want to live a good life, you must ensure that you keep your brain happy. This goes without saying, but a lot of people don’t really take it into account. They think about lots of different areas of life but will not acknowledge their mental space. Thankfully, our society is taking more notice of just how powerful the brain is. If you can keep your mind active in all the right ways, you … [Read more...]

When was the last time you got your hearing checked?

When we’re considering our health, and the healthcare specialists that we take the time to visit, it’s important to keep in mind that our senses are just as important to our quality of life as many other aspects of our health. A lot of people tend to neglect them, their hearing most of all. If you have been putting off getting your hearing tested, then here we are going to look at why that’s not a … [Read more...]

Embracing the beauty of post-partum body

Today, let’s talk about something super personal and incredibly universal—embracing your postpartum body. If you’ve just had a baby and are finding yourself tangled up in a whirlwind of emotions when you look in the mirror, trust me, you’re not alone. So, how about we take a look at six tips to help you start loving and appreciating that amazing body of yours? It’s done something extraordinary, … [Read more...]

Don’t give up! Tips for achieving your fitness goals

Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash We could all benefit from following a healthier lifestyle.  However, that doesn’t mean this lifestyle transition is easy. In fact, a reported 43% of adults find it hard to stay healthy amid the chaos of everyday life. After all, it can be hard to abandon old habits and stay motivated. Nevertheless, the benefits of staying fit and healthy are too … [Read more...]

How To Better Care For Your Hearing

If you are keen to look after yourself in general, a major part of that should always be caring for your senses. And amongst these is one sense that tends to get overlooked a lot - your hearing. Chances are, you are probably doing more for your eyesight than your hearing, but the latter does still need a lot of care and attention. With that in mind, what are some of the things you can do to care … [Read more...]

How technology can keep you healthy

Image Pexels CC0 License We’re often told that technology is the enemy of good health. The increased use of tech by society is seen as a big contributor to us leading more sedentary lifestyles. Hours spent in front of the television binging on boxsets, using apps to order in takeout food, and spare time spent gaming, are often seen as distractions that act as barriers to our health and … [Read more...]

How to be smart about your mid-day snacking choices

Snacking is something we all do, even when we swear we don’t! After all, you’re sometimes not hungry enough for a full meal, or maybe you don’t feel quite full enough after lunch or dinner. And snacking isn’t a bad thing to do, but the foods you snack on need to be diverse.  All in all, it’s not just the kids that could do with some new snacks - you do too! But if you’re getting sick and … [Read more...]

Eight Ways To Encourage Your Kids To Keep Fit And Stay Active

As a parent, your job is to ensure that your kids are happy and healthy throughout their entire childhood and adolescence. Your main goal is to give them a happy life while ensuring they are ready to flee the nest when the time comes. If they are happy and healthy by the time they leave, you will have done a really good job. There are so many different responsibilities and things that could go … [Read more...]