How To Create Achievable Health & Fitness Goals You’ll Actually Hit

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Regular exercise is an essential element of a healthy lifestyle, so it’s important to make it a part of your daily routine if possible. However, it can be tricky to get back into your stride if exercise hasn’t been part of your life for some time. Whether you’ve been recovering from an injury or life simply got in the way of your good intentions, there are ways to rebuild your fitness. To get started, take a look at these top tips for easing back into exercise:

How often have you set a health goal of some kind, only to put some work into it for a little bit and then eventually give up? It’s a common problem that plagues a lot of people, and it’s just as frustrating every single time. 

Even when you download an app to help you along and keep you on track, and even when you’re working side by side with a PT or a nutritionist, there’s still a strong chance you’re going to reach a point where you just can’t commit anymore. 

And do you know why that is? Because you’re setting goals that are simply unattainable! Goal setting is just as much a skill as anything else, and knowing how to put one in place is key to a successful health journey. If you’re on a fitness journey right now, here’s what you need to keep in mind. 

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Be Specific

You want to lose some weight? Don’t let yourself define your goal in such vague terms! Whether you’re using Semaglutide to help or you want to follow a full on, high intensity fitness routine, make sure you’ve got something solid to aim for. 

For example, a number you want to see on the scale, as well as an amount per week you need to lose to get there steadily. Or if you want to eat more healthily in the long term, try to eat a new vegetable you’ve never tried before once per week – don’t just tell yourself to put some more vegetables in your diet! 

Mark Your Progress with Milestones

It’s hard to see yourself making progress if you have no way to mark it. You’re not going to know how far you’ve come since day one, and that’s a good way to demotivate yourself. Really, if you want to make it easier to give up on a health goal, don’t ever let yourself celebrate what you’ve achieved! 

It’s something we touched on in the point above. The more milestones you have to tick off, the better you’re going to feel about what you’re doing and how you’re spending your time. You can also make a milestone over how long you’ve committed to this one goal, especially if you’ve put more effort into keeping up with it than ever before. 

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Think About What Will Make You Happy

If you’re holding yourself to someone else’s standard, you’re going to fall short of your health goal each and every time. 

After all, they’re not the person living your life, or living in your body. They can make assumptions and try to provide guidance, but you’re the one who’s going to have the last say on anything you aim to do. 

Have a Check-Up

Before you embark on a new fitness routine, it can be useful to visit your doctor for a check-up. If you’re recovering from an injury, for example, you’ll want to confirm that it’s safe for you to begin working on your fitness again. Similarly, if it’s been some time since you exercised regularly, you’ll want to ensure a new regime won’t aggravate any underlying conditions. In addition to this, getting advice from your doctor will give you peace of mind that it’s safe for you to resume your training. 

Get the Right Kit

When you’re easing back into exercise, it’s important to make sure you’ve got the right resources. Buying training shoes online can help to ensure that your feet are properly supported when walking or running, for example, which can enhance your performance and reduce the risk of injury. Similarly, wearing a base layer can prevent you from becoming too cold when the temperature drops and keep you comfortable when it’s hot outside.

You should make sure that, as well as the shoes themselves, you also have the proper arch supports. Going to the likes of The Good Feet Store is definitely going to be a good idea, as you should be able to get supported in the right way. And that will mean that you are much less likely to cause any harm to your own feet while exercising.

Remember – when you’re exercising, it can be helpful to wear form-fitting clothes. If you’re going to be using weights or running on a treadmill, for example, baggy clothes or drawstrings can easily get caught in the equipment and lead to accidents. Form-fitting clothes will allow you to move freely but can also reduce the risk of getting hurt.

Set Goals

Having a goal can help to keep you on track and motivated, which is exactly what you need when you’re starting a new fitness routine. However, don’t set your sights too high when you’re returning to exercise after an extended break. By setting small, achievable goals, you can celebrate your success at regular intervals. 

When you’re first starting out with a new regime, it can be helpful to set goals based on effort, rather than outcomes. You may decide that you want to walk for 10 minutes a day, rather than reaching a specific distance, for example. This allows you to see where your natural fitness level currently is and prevents you from pushing yourself too hard when you’re easing back into exercise. 

Start Slow

If you haven’t exercised for a while, don’t be tempted to start off with an intense regime. This will increase the risk of getting hurt and could make you feel demotivated. Even if you were extremely fit prior to a period of respite, don’t assume that you’ll be able to pick up where you left off. Instead, assess your current fitness levels and work from there. 

If your ultimate target is to run 10km, for example, but you haven’t been jogging for years, don’t start out by aiming to run 2km. Instead, start by walking before adding jogging intervals to your training. This will allow you to build up your fitness gradually and is a safer way to train. 

Work with a Trainer

If you’re not sure where to start or you need a dose of motivation, working out with a personal trainer can be a great way to boost your fitness. As well as providing you with a safe yet challenging routine, a personal trainer will be able to provide expert advice throughout your fitness journey. If you want to build muscle in a certain part of your body, for example, your trainer will be able to help you adapt your routine to achieve your goals. Additionally, when you’re signed up for personal training sessions, you’re accountable to someone else, which makes it harder to skip workouts!

Use Fitness Tech

The fitness tech revolution is a great movement for anyone who wants to increase their physical activity and track their progress. Wearing a smartwatch or step counter will tell you exactly how active you are each day and give you an incentive to increase your physical activity. What’s more – you can store data for weeks, months, or years and watch as your fitness and health improve over time. 

As well as using fitness tech to monitor your own progress, you can also use your stats to take part in challenges or group activities. Many online groups set weekly or monthly ‘step targets’, for example, which can be a great way to meet new people and give yourself a realistic challenge. 

Do Something You Love

You don’t have to spend hours at the gym or pound the pavements in order to get fit. If you don’t enjoy sessions at the gym and you’re bored by running, don’t force yourself to exercise in this way. Instead, find something you genuinely enjoy and make it part of your go-to fitness routine. If you love being outdoors, hiking, cycling, skating or even gardening can be a great way to boost your fitness. 

Alternatively, take advantage of virtual classes to try out a range of different exercises from the comfort of your own home. When you find the activities that work for you, you’ll know exactly what type of exercise you enjoy and can make it part of your lifestyle. 

Getting Fit After a Break in Training

Whether you’ve been sidelined for a few weeks or you haven’t exercised in years, it’s never too late to restart your fitness journey. No matter what your current fitness levels are, you can make steady progress over time, providing you exercise in a healthy way. With support from professionals and loved ones, as well as a good dose of self-motivation and dedication, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you can improve your fitness and optimize your well-being. 


  1. Starting a workout routine after a long break can be tough, especially now as COVID has made people more apprehensive about going to the gym. These are some good ways to help make that initial process easier.