I just got back from a long vacation in India a few days back, and the first thing I did when I entered my home is get onto the weighing scale. Did I scream out loud? I almost did – Yikes, all the restaurant binging was good for my mood but definitely not good for my weight! I have added a lot of unwanted pounds, and now that the vacation is over, I am determined to get into shape again. I don’t usually make New Year Resolutions per say, because they are strong during the first couple weeks of January and slowly start to fade away as the year goes by. Instead, I decided to chart out what I needed to do to accomplish my fitness goals, and stuck the chart onto my refrigerator so I see them every morning and get inspired to stay on track.
Here’s how I plan to attack my weight-loss goal:
Warm Lemon Water in the morning
I think most of us know that dehydration does a lot more harm to your body than you think. It can cause digestive disorders, fatigue, asthma, allergies, joint stiffness, and high cholesterol. So I make it a point to start my day with a cup of warm water with some freshly squeezed lemon juice and a pinch of cayenne or black pepper mixed with it. This not only prevents dehydration, but it also helps to maintain the Ph levels of your body, promotes weight-loss, relieves constipation, cleanses your body of toxins, and gives a boost to your immune system.
Have breakfast like a king & dinner like a beggar
Everyone has probably heard this already, but its a proven technique to kick-start your metabolism early in the morning and get some protein, fiber and good carbs into your system. Also, as the day progresses, the metabolism starts going down, so it is advisable to get most of your daily calorie intake during the first half of your day, and leave room for a light snack and dinner after 1pm. Once in a while you can treat yourself to delicious baked products for breakfast, like these lemon drizzle muffins. Just remember to count your calories and carbs, and cut your portions dramatically in the afternoon so that you can reach your weight loss goals.
Exercise at least 4 days a week
With two kiddos taking up most of my time, this one was the hardest to squeeze into my routine, or actually lack of routine:) Nevertheless, I decided to start wit something basic which wouldn’t need fancy equipment. Here’s a quick chart for a 15-minute workout that will help tone your overall body.
Use soups to make healthier curries
Looking for a quick-fix dinner on a weeknight? Try boiled veggies chopped finely. To one teaspoon of oil, saute some onions and garlic, add a can of Progresso™ Light Tomato soup, mix your veggies, and garnish with cilantro. This diet-friendly curry recipe is filled with nutrition and can keep you full for a solid 3 hours. Pair it with Indian quick bread or pita bread for a more scrumptious meal, or enjoy as it is.
Maintain a goal chart and stick it to your fridge
The easiest motivation is when you see something accomplished right in front of your eyes. Just like we have Chore Charts for my kindergartener, I try keeping my weight loss chart on the fridge so I can check off my tasks and stay on track. For every milestone, reward yourself with a little something, and for every missed milestone, take away a privilege, and see how easy it becomes to achieve your goals. If it works for kids, it should work for you as well!
Weigh & measure yourself once a week
We all get onto the weighing scale when we are trying to lose weight, but doing this everyday can be disastrous. It needs time to lose weight, especially burning fat, so stick to your diet and workout routine judiciously for a week, and weight yourself every week. Also, don’t forget to measure yourself, losing inches is much more important that losing weight!
These are simple tricks to stay on track with your New Year fitness goals. If you are like me and want to shed some pounds, give these a shot. And remember, resolutions are not as important as the end goal. Just keep your eyes on the end goal, and you’ll do much better in life!
Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Progresso™ through their partnership POPSUGAR. While I was compensated by POPSUGAR to write a post about Progresso™, all opinions are my own.
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