Substances that are key to a healthy body and active mind

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The elixir of life is a mythical potion that is said to grant a person eternal life and youth. There are many fictional tales featuring this potion. But what if such a substance was to exist in real life?

Scientists have made great progress over the last few decades when it comes to understanding how different chemicals affect the ageing process. While we’re not quite yet at the point of being able to prescribe immortality, there are several supplements on the market that studies have proven could help you to live longer and age slower.

Below are just a few examples of such substances and why they could be the closest thing we have to an elixir of life.

NAD + (nmn)

NAD+ is a coenzyme found throughout the human body. Studies show that NAD+ levels fall with ageing and have a direct influence on keeping our body youthful by regulating cellular repair. Could this be the elixir of life? Many supplements marketed as advanced longevity solutions contain NAD+, which could potentially help your body to age more gradually. You can also encourage the body to naturally produce NAD+ by consuming a nutrient known as NMN, which turns into NAD+. This can be found in many vitamin B3 rich foods such as avocados, mushrooms and edamame, or you can consume it as a separate NMN supplement. 


Could red wine be the elixir of life? Resveratrol is a chemical sound in a variety of foods including dark chocolate, pistachios, peanuts, blueberries, cranberries and grapes. It is found in its most abundant form within the skin of red grapes (which is why red wine has such high levels). Studies on resveratrol have shown that it can extend the life of many organisms ranging from yeast to mice by activating the longevity gene, sirtuin 1, which protects us from obesity and various age-related diseases. You can consume resveratrol in the form of several supplements. 


Taurine has also been hailed as a potential elixir of life. This amino acid is often added to energy drinks, but can be found in many natural foods too – particularly in seafood. Studies on various animals have found that higher taurine levels can lead to a 10% longer life. This is due to taurine’s ability to eliminate harmful ‘zombie’ cells that typically increase with age. You can find many taurine supplements online. 


Found in many workout supplements, creatine may also have the power to extend one’s life. It improves bone density, muscle vitality and delays ageing of the skin. One study of mice even found that regular consumption extended their life by 9%. Foods that contain creatine include fish, meat and tofu. However, creatine supplements can provide a more effective dose. 


Not all fat is bad for you. In fact, some fats like omega-3 could extend your life. Found predominantly in seafood and nuts, omega-3 is a fatty acid with many proven health benefits. It is believed that regular consumption of omega-3 can reduce the risk of heart disease and dementia – two of the biggest killers. You can take omega-3 in many forms. Cod liver oil capsules are one of the most traditional omega-3 supplements. 

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