How Hobbies help with mental health and sanity

With how busy life can get in the digital age, finding real moments of peace and engagement has become more challenging than ever. You are overrun with constant notifications, work pressures, and social obligations, and all these things can leave you feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from your true self. Hobbies are not only a way to pass time in moments of boredom, but they help balance your life and mental health. From the relaxing stitches of needlework to the childlike excitement of using a paintbrush, hobbies offer far more than just an escape; they give us a way to improve our mental health and personal growth and can even give us a deeper sense of fulfilment without the need of an expected outcome that can stress us out.


The Psychological Benefits of Hobbies

Reduce Stress:  

Hobbies have been a natural stress reliever for many centuries, allowing our minds to detach from the pressures of everyday life and focus on something truly enjoyable and a great way to just blow off steam. This allows for a mental shift, not just distracting us but also reducing the levels of cortisol in our bodies. They help us fight anxiety, thereby giving us a better sense of calm and relaxation. It can be through the repetitive and relaxing motions of knitting, the strategic thinking required in chess, or even the physical labor of gardening; hobbies engage our brains in ways that are simultaneously relaxing and stimulating. When our stress reactions are reset, we will instinctively be better equipped to deal with stress provoking situations.

Boosting Self-Esteem: 

We constantly find ourselves at the mercy of external factors and also external forces for approval- whereby a hobby offers you the advantage of finding approval within and not linking the outcome to ourselves but rather something we can observe. Think of a hard puzzle that you have completed, the time you mastered a difficult piece of music, or growing and working in a thriving garden; this all gives you proof of what you are capable of and something only you have to approve of and no one else. This boost in self-esteem can be particularly powerful during times of uncertainty or when facing setbacks in other areas of life- you can take the mindset shaped during your activities and apply it to your real world stresses. The sense of mastery and achievement that comes from developing a skill over time backs our belief in our ability to learn, grow, and overcome obstacles.

Improving Creativity and Cognitive Function: 

Hobbies stimulate your brain, especially those with a creative component that might otherwise lie dormant in our routine-driven lives. So when you enjoy activities like painting, writing, or playing music- it allows for creative expression and also improves problem-solving skills and your cognitive flexibility. You should be able to see an improvement in everyday performance as your mental agility improves, from work to personal relationships and also most importantly one, your mood improves. The cognitive stimulation received from hobbies is particularly important as you get older, potentially reducing the risk of cognitive decline and improving overall brain health.

Encouraging Mindfulness and Awareness: 

When you’re deep into hobbies like photography, woodworking, or cooking, you hit this sweet spot of mindfulness—total focus on the here and now. This state, where you’re fully immersed and lose track of time and self-consciousness, is often called “flow.” It’s not just enjoyable; it’s also great for your mental health. Studies have shown that being in this state can really dial down symptoms of anxiety and depression. Plus, the more you practice being this focused, the better you become at staying present in other parts of your life too.

Building Social Connections and Community: 

Hobbies can be solo flights or social adventures. For instance, joining a book club, going on group hikes, or attending craft workshops not only fuels your passions but also connects you with people who share your interests. These connections are vital for mental health, countering the loneliness and isolation that’s all too common today. When you share interests, you lay a strong foundation for friendships that bring support, encouragement, and a real sense of community.

Providing Structure and Purpose:  

When life gets unpredictable or changes come knocking, hobbies offer a sense of structure and purpose that can be a real lifeline. Whether it’s feeling overwhelmed, facing unemployment, or navigating big life shifts, having a regular hobby can anchor you. It provides something to look forward to, helps maintain emotional stability, and keeps you focused on something positive when everything else seems to be in flux.

Boosting Emotional Processing and Expression: 

Creative hobbies really shine when it comes to expressing what we feel inside. Whether it’s through art, music, writing, or any other form of creativity, these activities give us a unique way to explore and articulate emotions that might be hard to express verbally. They’re incredibly useful for working through tough feelings, past traumas, or major life changes, providing a path to healing and self-discovery.

Physical Health:

Hobbies, such as gardening, dancing, or sports, involve physical activity. The combination of mental engagement and physical movement adds a holistic approach to well-being. The physical benefits of these activities—are improved cardiovascular health, increased strength and flexibility, and better sleep. The mind-body connection created through these hobbies can lead to a more balanced life and improved wellness.

Relaxing Hobbies to Consider


Whether you have a small planter or a large backyard, gardening is a wonderful way to get your hands dirty and your mind relaxed. The act of nurturing plants and watching them grow can be extremely rewarding and calming for the soul- it also forces you to observe the world in a very unique manner.


Getting lost in a good book can open up worlds beyond your own, providing a perfect escape that not only entertains but also offers fresh perspectives on your own life, helping to ease stress.


Yoga blends physical poses, breathing exercises, and meditation to enhance relaxation and mental clarity. Just a few minutes each day can significantly improve both your mental and physical health.


When you express yourself through painting you will allow yourself to tackle emotions that might be difficult to articulate otherwise. It’s a simple setup—just a canvas, some paints, and your creativity—no professional skills required and most importantly you learn to trust the process.


Crochet isn’t just about creating beautiful garments or accessories—it’s a rhythmic, repetitive activity that can help calm the mind and reduce stress. As you crochet, the focus required can distract your mind from anxiety-inducing thoughts. Some must-have crochet supplies include crochet hooks, yarn scissors, and needles. You can find some great patterns online.

Walking or Hiking

Spending time in nature and engaging in physical activity are both excellent for your mental health. Going for a walk in the park or a hike in the woods is a natural way to release endorphins, which can help reduce anxiety and boost your mood.


When you’re jotting down your thoughts and feelings you create a great way to work through them and make sense of them. Keeping a journal offers a private space where you can freely express your worries, happiness, and everything in between.


Photography is all about capturing those special moments, focusing on the world’s beauty around you. It’s a fantastic way to shift your perspective and appreciate the little things that bring joy.

Cooking and Baking

Cooking and baking go beyond just making meals—they’re forms of creative expression. There’s a special kind of satisfaction in sharing your culinary creations with friends and family, making every bite a shared experience.


It does not matter if you are playing an instrument or simply listening; music has a profound ability to affect emotions and encourage an environment of relaxation. Learning to play music can be a challenging yet rewarding hobby that offers a deep sense of satisfaction and achievement.


Hobbies are more than just a way to pass the time or fend off boredom; they’re crucial for mental health and balance. They provide a sense of achievement, boost confidence, introduce new challenges, and enhance happiness. As the focus on mental health grows, engaging in hobbies can be a rewarding and therapeutic outlet.