Every job comes with its hazards. Some are more immediate and serious such as falls from a great height. Others may cause long-term damage such as exposure to chemicals or loud noises. It’s important to identify dangers within your occupation and take steps to reduce these dangers. Below are just some of the different ways in which you can make any job less dangerous.
Train and retrain
Health and safety training can benefit any job – whether you’re working on a construction site or in an office. From learning how to pick up heavy objects correctly to learning how to react to an electrical fire, there are so many tasks in which health and safety training can be useful. A good employer will provide health and safety training when you are first hired, and will offer ongoing refreshment training. If you feel that your employer has not provided you with adequate training, this is something you should talk to your employer about. If you are self-employed, it could be worth going on a health and safety course to protect yourself and any employees.
Wear the right protective equipment
There are all kinds of protective equipment that you can wear to protect you from dangers. This includes equipment such as:
- Hard hats to protect from head injuries
- Safety goggles to protect against light or chemicals
- Facemasks to protect against dust
- Earplugs/ear defenders to protect against loud noises
- Gloves to protect your hands against chemicals and abrasive objects
- Overalls and aprons to protect from burns on the body
- Steel capped boots to protect feet from hazards
- Body armor to offer protection against firearms
Obviously, you don’t need to wear all of these in every workplace. However, it’s important to identify situations in your job where you may need to wear one of the above. Make sure that protective equipment offers the right level of protection for your industry (for example, there are different types of safety gloves that can protect you against different types of dangers).

Keep your work environment clean and tidy
Cleanliness and tidiness can often be important for maintaining a safe workplace. Keeping floors clean can often prevent falls, while keeping on top of general dust can help to improve air quality and prevent respiratory issues. Make sure that equipment that is being regularly handled is also being cleaned frequently. Many computer keyboards never get cleaned and can often spread illness if used by multiple people.
Take your breaks
Taking a break at work is important for maintaining concentration. In jobs that include driving or using machinery, not taking a break could increase the risk of an accident. Know exactly how much break time you are entitled to and make sure that you take it at the right time.
Know when to ask for a helping hand
Many tasks can be made less dangerous if two people are doing them. This includes carrying heavy objects or operating ladders. If something seems too risky to do alone, always ask someone to help – even if they’re just monitoring you.
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