How to use Video Games to De-stress and Relax

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It might surprise you to know that millions of people are depressed by video games. There are tons of genres to choose from, and some are even designed to help you relax. From cozy games for passing away the hours to getting more from your games, here are some ideas.

Sit Back with a Classic

No matter your age, there are classic games that can take your mind off life for a little while. Timeless video games such as Minesweeper and Solitaire are available for free across many devices and online. Some of these games are also quite intellectual and will also keep your brain sharp. But really, you can get a hit of entertainment while taking a break or as something to do with some spare time at home. Just whip out your phone and let the time pass away!

Get Into Cozy Games

Back in the day, the vast majority of games were designed by boys for boys. Today, there are many franchises aimed at girls and women that are ideal for passing the time. Known as cozy games, these are trendy popular and have even worked their way into pop culture:

  • Disney Dreamlight Valley is a cozy game with characters you know and love.
  • Animal Crossing has a wide appeal to all age ranges and offers seasonal fun.
  • Subnautica is a great cross between cozy and RPG survival underwater!

There are many other cozy games. But these are among the most popular. Of course, Disney has an advantage with an established array of worlds and characters. But games such as Animal Crossing have forged their own path and are now played by millions of people.

Destress with Video Games in VR

Woman exercising with a VR device. CC0 Licensed Image Courtesy of Pexels

Virtual Reality (VR) is the latest trend in video game technology. Following the invention of the Oculus Rift,VR technology had a huge leap in fidelity and now includes eye tracking, 3D audio and hand-tracking. VR games have an advantage of making a game world feel more realistic. Even though there are only just over 170 million VR gamers, they are loyal. Some of the most relaxing and popular VR games include Kayak VR, No Man’s Sky and Nature Treks VR.

Spend Some Family Time

Playing video games is one of the best ways to experience them. And spending time with your family is among the best uses of your precious time. So what if they are combined? Chilling with the kids, parents, or partner is one of the most relaxing things you can do. Video games such as Super Mario Kart offer a unique way to bring the family together and enjoy the time you have. This makes the most of a weekend and helps you avoid a summer of discontent with the kids!

Build It, and the Sims Will Come

There might be something very wrong if you have never heard of The Sims! The Sims is one of those rare game franchises that even non-gamers know about. Because The Sims is a parody of life it has an almost universal appeal. However, there is also something for everyone no matter what you are looking for. The Sims can be very relaxing if you just want to build homes. You can also explore the neighborhoods. Or just have fun watchung Sims playing with toddlers.

Exercise to Destress with Video Games

Relaxation and destressing means different things to different people. Some people love nothing more than doing as little as possible. Games can definitely help you do this. However, you can even destress with video games by making them part of your exercise routine:

  • Nintendo’s Ring Fit Adventure requires exercise to play the game.
  • Just Dance offers tons of exercise through dancing to your favorite songs.
  • Nintendo Switch Sports is a multiplayer competitive game with tons of movement.
  • Pokemon  GO gets you outside and moving as you try to catch ‘em all!
  • Creed: Rise to Glory offers gym exercise as you train to become a legend.

Exercise is well-documented as a stress relief technique. Video games offer excellent ways to exercise while having fun, strengthening the effects. They also make a great alternative when you can’t leave the home and encourage younger children to exercise to relieve boredom.

Test Your Intellect

Games are relaxing by their nature. When playing games, certain regions are more active, including the frontal lobe. As a result, your brain can perform complex tasks in a more efficient way. This is why you probably haven’t even noticed that most games are essentially large puzzles. But there are also games to test your intellect while you relax and enjoy your time. These include intellectual games like Sudoku and strategy games such as Civilization.

Escape into a World of Fantasy

If games are excellent for one thing, it’s escapism. Escaping into a world of fantasy is a definite way to relax, whatever that means for you. Want some mindless but fun thuggery? GTA is what you need. Enjoy dungeons, dragons, and LARPing? Check out The Elder Scrolls Online. Or how about something more sci-fi? Destiny 2, Halo, and Dead Space might be just what you need. Games are like music. There is no right genre; what you like is what you should embrace.

Make a Space to Destress with Video Games

All over the world, billions of people play video games. One survey of 13,000 gamers found that 71% of them feel less stress when escaping into a favorite game. But there is more to enjoying a game than just playing it. Yes, the game itself can help with relaxation. But you can’t really relax in a poor gaming environment. Like an office, you need comfort. Create a gaming space in a clean and tidy room with cable management, a comfy chair, LED lighting, and game decor.

Really Get into the Game

Some games are more than what you see on screen. These are rare, but some games become a hobby themselves! You can get more from your favorite game by fully embracing it as a real piece of art, literature, and entertainment. There’s a lot you can do, but here are some ideas:

  • Learn as much as you can about the game world you love.
  • Look for tips for making the most of the game’s mechanics to get more from it.
  • Buy companion products such as art books, lore books, and game guides.

There are some gamers who focus on one game. Whether these are real gamers isn’t for anyone to say. But they fully embrace the game they play on another level. Some of these games are rich in lore and include franchises like the Destiny and The Elder Scrolls series.

Join a Gaming Community

Getting more from a game with companion products will help you understand it much more and will help your play. You can immerse yourself in a specific game world and get to know its mechanics, inhabitants and what it means to you. However, it helps to take a break now and then to play in a healthy way. Connecting with others is an ideal way to deal with mental health issues. You can often find healthy communities dedicated to gaming or specific franchises. 


Taking a quick break to play a classic title is a popular way to destress with video games. You can also pick up an exercise game to have fun while working out if that’s your thing. There are also health communities out there where you can talk about your game and your real-life issues.