Is Your Kitchen Healthy?


The kitchen is one of the most used rooms in the household. After all, it’s where a family prepares all their food on a daily basis. And it’s often where they have their main meals of the day; breakfast and dinner! But while the kitchen is good for helping a family to consume their food of the day, there are some downfalls to the cooking quarters. In fact, there can be some hidden dangers which actually could affect your children’s health. And not only this but they could be bringing you a wealth of problems in the near future. And then you might struggle to sell your home if the kitchen isn’t up to scratch. Therefore, here are some easy ways to make the kitchen a healthier environment for your family.

Clean out the bin more regularly

When was the last time you cleaned out your bin? For a lot of us, we fill it up every week with our rubbish. And then take out the black bag once it becomes full. But then we never end up cleaning the inside of the bin. And this means you might have things like mold growing at the bottom of the trash can which could be making the air in the kitchen unhealthy. In fact, it could be causing a bad smell to take over your cooking quarters. And the bin is likely to be the last place we would look. Also, if food has dropped to the bottom of the bin, it might cause pests to arrive. In fact, if you have got a dirty trash can, you might find there are ants a plenty in your kitchen. And these are unsanitary if they start getting on your kitchen sides and in the cupboards. Therefore, to ensure your kitchen stays a healthy environment, you need to wash out your kitchen bin at least once a month. Take it outside and use the hose to ensure the whole bin gets a good wash. Then you can leave it outside to dry for a couple of hours before returning it back to your home. And remember if the mold still won’t shift, it’s time to get a new bin for the sake of your family. Opt for one which is easily wipeable and good to maneuver so that you can clean it properly without any problems.

Invest in an extractor fan

A lot of people forget how much moisture can build up in the kitchen. And one of the top causes can be down to cooking food on the hob. After all, it can produce steam which can end up causing damp on the walls. And over time, this can start causing the air supply to deteriorate in the room. In fact, it might cause your family to start dealing with allergies. And not only this but it can damage the wall structure in the kitchen too. Therefore, to ensure your cooking quarters remain a healthy environment, you should consider investing in an extractor fan. With one of these, it will ensure the moisture doesn’t remain in the kitchen. It can also circulate the air quickly so that it doesn’t pose a problem for your family. You can even get one which has a charcoal filter which can get rid of unwanted odors from your kitchen. In fact, if you get a problem with one of these and start noticing bad smells in your cooking quarters, you can look at getting a charcoal filter replacement. Therefore, invest in an extractor fan to ensure you limit the damp and moisture in your kitchen.

Always clean out the fridge

It’s so easy to leave it for ages before going through your fridge. After all, we just presume everything is okay in the fridge. And once we have finished with an item, or it’s past its date, we put it away in the bin. But you need to make sure you are cleaning out the fridge regularly. After all, once open food has been in the fridge, it’s easy for it to start leaking out onto the shelves. For example, milk or cheese could end up being left behind. And over time this can turn into mold which could end up contaminating the rest of the food in the fridge. Therefore, you might end up making something for your kid which could cause them to be poorly! And not only this but you will end up with bad smells in your kitchen through the rotting food in the fridge. Therefore, always go through and give it a good clean regularly. You might even want to take the shelves out to give them a good scrub. And make sure you keep an eye on the dates in the fridge. That way, you can remove the food before it poses a risk to your family.

Change your cleaning tools regularly

You might not realize that your kitchen sponge is actually one of the dirtiest things in the house. After using it a few times, it’s easy for it to collect dust and old food which can turn into mold. And it can harbor germs which can then be passed onto the plates that you are washing! Therefore, your family might get infected all down to your cleaning tool. To ensure this doesn’t happen, you need to make sure you clean the sponge properly. Rinsing them in the sink might just not be enough. You might want to put it in the microwave for a minute which can kill any germs. Or if it’s past it’s best, it’s time to get a new sponge to ensure your family stays healthy. And it’s not just the sponges you need to make sure you are regularly replacing. You should also change your scrub brush and pads too. That way, you can have a germ-free kitchen for the future.


And remember to always clean your plates after eating. A lot of people leave them on the side until later. But then you might find the food turns to mold quickly. Not only this but you could end up with pests too. Therefore, always wash up straight after consuming grub!

Hope these simple tips help you make your kitchen cleaner and healthier. You owe it to yourself and your family!

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