Smart Ways To Lose Stubborn Fat

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Often, it doesn’t matter how hard you exercise or how strict you are about eating a healthy diet, there are stubborn pockets of fat that simply refuse to leave your body. This can be extremely frustrating when you are doing all you can to get healthy and look better, and it can often be very demotivating for you.

The good news is, that there are several things you can do to finally get rid of that stubborn body fat, as you will see below…

Know why it is there

There are a number of factors from your hormones to your age that may be causing you to hold on to fat in a specific part of your body – for example, menopause can make it harder to lose belly fat, and knowing what is causing your to hold your stubborn fat will help you to work out how best to deal with it whether that be via a low carb diet, cool sculpting by who will freeze the fat away or something else entirely. Talking to your physician may well be a good starting point.


If you are eating a healthy diet and exercising, but there are pockets of fat that simply will not go away, then trying an intermittent fasting diet, where you go for longer than usual periods without eating might work well. When you fast, your body is not getting any calories to fuel itself, so it will naturally start to dip into your fat reserves to get the energy it needs, resulting in a reduction in fat in your body in most cases.

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Supplement with apple cider vinegar

Adding apple cider vinegar to salad dressings and sauces could be a good way to attack that stubborn fat that you are so worried about, Why? Because apple cider vinegar has been shown to help people burn almost 50 percent more calories than the control group in studies on its effectiveness in weight loss, most of which was fat. This is because it can help to prevent spikes in blood sugar which lead to the laying down of fat, particularly in the stomach area.

Eat low-carb

Eating a low-carb diet is one of the most effective things you can do to lose stubborn fat, especially around the belly area. Why? Because low-carb diets are lower in calories and better able to help your body release important hormones which regulate your weight and cause your body to burn fat. Low-carb diets are also high in portion, which when combined with exercise, can help you to build muscle, and the more muscle you have, the more calories your body will burn to sustain that muscle, often resulting in greater fat loss than you have been able to achieve on a regular diet.

Stubborn body fat may not be as simple to get rid of, but as you can see above, it is possible to do so if you are willing to put in the time and effort to do so. So, what are you waiting for?