Recipe: Protein-Packed Healthy Green Muffins

Healthy Green Muffins with Spinach Banana and Pecans These gorgeous Green Muffins inspired by the Green Smoothie recipe, are a powerhouse of flavor and nutrition, and they are perfect for St.Patrick’s Day celebration! With their beautiful Green color, and a wonderful combination of ingredients like Spinach, Banana and Nuts, you couldn’t expect anything less! Plus, I love the fact that it uses very … [Read more...]

Banana Oatmeal Pancakes With Orange Maple Syrup

Banana Oatmeal Pancakes with Orange-Flavored Maple Syrup & Powdered SugarPancakes are a traditional way to kick off your weekend mornings with the whole family hovering over the breakfast table. They are also a favorite American tradition, and that's why you'll see that most of your cities and counties will be serving free Pancake breakfast on July 4th, to celebrate the freedom of America and … [Read more...]

Banana Nutella Muffins

Banana Muffins swirled with Nutella Two weeks ago, I saw a movie that captured the essence of Paris in every shot, and I was reminded of our fun vacation days in the romantic city, touring the streets and walking along the Siene River, admiring the gigantic Eiffel Tower sparkling in multi-colored lights to woo its audience at sunset. But when I think about Paris, the one thing that tops the … [Read more...]

Moist Chocolate Banana Bread

Moist Chocolate Banana BreadBanana Bread is a favorite, and there would be no two votes on that one. But even favorites need a little shaking up once in a while, and that's when this Chocolate Banana Bread recipe steals the show! In fact, it is so good it might just become your Number 1 sweet bread recipe. The perfect pairing of chocolates and bananas brought together by using Dutch-processed … [Read more...]