Pexels - CCO Licence Regular exercise is an essential element of a healthy lifestyle, so it’s important to make it a part of your daily routine if possible. However, it can be tricky to get back into your stride if exercise hasn’t been part of your life for some time. Whether you’ve been recovering from an injury or life simply got in the way of your good intentions, there are ways to rebuild … [Read more...]
5 Workout Apps To Improve Your Home Fitness Regime
Creating the perfect workout regime takes a little experimentation. Many of us now prefer to work out at home instead of at the gym. When you’re working out at home, you may find it a little difficult to motivate yourself. To give yourself a little extra inspiration, have a try of these five neat workout apps. 1. Asana Rebel Using Asana Rebel, you can get in better shape and live a … [Read more...]
Taking Care of Our Heart and Health As We Age
Picture - CC0 Licence The one thing we learn as we get older is that, seemingly, age is all about a steady state of decline. However, this isn't true in the slightest. As we get older we do fall prey to certain ailments but it is possible to guarantee that we age better. As we get older, we need to start rejecting the fact that we feel different or worse. And while, symptomatically speaking, we … [Read more...]
How Healthy Online Diet Clubs Killed the Crash Diet
There is a plethora of fad weight loss plans nowadays, especially as news comes out about the latest science on bodily health and dietary recommendations. From these fad weight loss programs have emerged the popular crash diets. There are many different variations of crashing, but most of them center around extreme reduction of caloric intake. While these weight-loss methods have been effective … [Read more...]
Thinking Beyond The Six Pack Abs!
For most people, the image of human perfection revolves around the washboard abs. After all, that’s the feature that seems to unite virtually every model currently shown in magazines and on TV shows. Thanks to the role of social media, sculpting a six-pack is an even greater desire than ever before. Make no mistake - Getting six-pack abs is certainly a major achievement that’s worth … [Read more...]
How To Kickstart Your Summer Slim-Down
With the summer nights getting longer and the weather warmer, it’s that time of year we all love to slough off the heavy winter jumpers and jeans and swap to flowy skirts and blouses. Getting motivated to feel comfortable in those lighter clothes can be difficult, but it’s all about self-discipline and feeling confident. The trouble is, if your weight is getting you down it can be very difficult … [Read more...]
Lovin’ Your Body & Mind This Summer
With summer well on its way, it’s time to think about what we can do to help us feel more energised. There are certain things attributed to different parts of our body that we can all be doing to help us reach our potential, and these are the things that we often all know about: stop smoking to decrease chances of disease, eating better, exercise more to get ourselves fitter, get outside to … [Read more...]
5 Ways To Alleviate Pain From Hurting Your Daily Routine
Pain isn’t a particularly pleasant topic. But it’s something that affects millions of people all over the country, whether it’s end-of-life, PMT, MS or backache. The good news is that there is a lot that you can do to overcome physical pain and get on the road to recovery. Here are some expert recommendations to reduce pain and get back to living your life the way that you want to. Spice Up … [Read more...]
A Working Mom’s Guide to Stress Management
As a mother of a pre-schooler and a newborn, I know I often feel the need to just sit back and relax, but even that feels like a luxury these days! But am I complaining? definitely not, because I have carved my life to be happy with 5 hours of sleep at night, and enjoy the rest of the day with my little one and my family, finding time to squeeze in some relaxing activities that help me enjoy this … [Read more...]
How To Safely Lose 5 Pounds in 5 Weeks
How To Lose Fat in a Healthy Way A month ago I had a visit with my general physician, and through I was in good shape, as we chatted casually, she commented how I was still 12 pounds overweight than my pre-pregnancy weight! I know most Moms cut themselves some slack after pregnancy and its no harm as long as you are in a healthy weight range. But still, this conversation spurred me into trying to … [Read more...]