Maintaining online safety for children has become a significant part of modern-day parenting, with research showing that about 84% of parents worry about their children's safety online. This phenomenon is due to most children’s obsession with the internet, exposing them to a broad range of threats and people. Nevertheless, there are some helpful steps you can take to protect your children from the … [Read more...]
7 Secrets to Successfully Limiting Screen-time for Kids
Most parents will know that kids tend to be pretty obsessed with screens and sometimes it’s hard to drag them away. Screentime doesn’t necessarily have to be a negative thing and there are plenty of fun and educational platforms that can be very beneficial. It is, however, a good idea to put a focus on alternative activities to encourage them to be more well-rounded. It’s tempting to rely on the … [Read more...]
The Exciting World Of Personalized Fashion
It’s funny to think that personalized clothing was once the preserve of the rich and famous. In the past, you could pay a tailor to create a garment for you from scratch, but it would cost thousands of dollars - money that a lot of people don’t have to spend on clothes. But with the rise of the internet and digital technologies, that’s all changing. Getting made-to-order clothing is actually a … [Read more...]
Believe in Ethical Fashion? Try these ethical makeover tips
The new year often brings a time of pause and personal reflection. If you are committing to a new year’s resolution of more ethical living then a makeover might be a fun way to commit to this new lifestyle. From your hairstyle to your shoe choice, you can make public statements about your views and beliefs with your appearance. Here are some top tips that you should consider for your next ethical … [Read more...]
Here’s How To Make Your Home Look Literally Out Of This World
You’ve often heard it said that people want their homes to look out of this world. For the most part, it is just a figure of speech - something homeowners say when imagining something heavenly and beautiful. But what if you take the concept more literally? What if you want your home to look like some kind of alien residence? Or at least, inspired by one? The idea seems a little crazy, but there … [Read more...]
Does Work-life Balance Exist In Your Life?
If you would like to live a happier life and become less stressed, you will have to examine your lifestyle and your work, and find out whether or not it suits you long term. Families and individual preferences change, and you will need more space, time for yourself, or money to achieve your goals. Is it time to look at your work-life balance from a different perspective and find your true calling … [Read more...]
How To Encourage Positive Mental Wellbeing in Your Child
As parents we can put so much pressure on ourselves. We want to make sure that our children are happy and healthy, as well as learning and progressing in all of the right ways. But one thing that often gets neglected is their mental health. I mean, we can often just think that it can affect people when they are older. But in good and bad ways, mental health is something we need to be talking about … [Read more...]
Selling Your Home – What To Know & What To Do
The process of selling your home is an interesting one. Not only is it a life milestone that you must proceed with in order to move onto the next chapter, but there are many variables at play that could potentially ensure the success of this effort. There are many ways to pull this off without a hitch, but it’s likely that at least one thing will take time or at least require a second attempt. … [Read more...]
Home Sweet Home? How To Decide If A House is Right for You
One of the biggest decisions that you can make in your life is buying a house. After all, this will be the place where you spend so much of your time in the foreseeable future, the place to raise your family and the place where you will create so many memories. The first thing that you need to do is check the sums as a dream home can quickly become a lot less appealing when you are having to … [Read more...]
3 Easy Ways To Boost Your Confidence
Most of us struggle with our confidence from time to time. It might feel like a lifelong struggle, or it might be that you have taken a knock and need to pick yourself back up again. It is hard, we understand that, which is why today we want to share with you a few suggestions that might help, here are 3 ways to boost your confidence. Try something new Think back, when did you last try … [Read more...]