The health benefits from Wheatgrass range from supplemental nutrition to some very useful curative properties. A lot of us know that Wheatgrass is beneficial, but only a few would know why! So to make things a little more clear, here is a brief list of what makes something as simple as “Grass”, a topic of Health & Nutrition.
Healing Properties
Some research claims that drinking wheatgrass can heal all kinds of illnesses and health problems in humans. While that sounds a bit like hyperbole, there is some truth to it, if not all! Wheatgrass has been shown to have regenerative powers and an ability to increase your immune system. Countless studies on wheatgrass show that just a 1-2 Oz. shot of wheatgrass a day will keep you healthy and strong, giving you sufficient energy equivalent to 4-pack of Red Bulls!
Powerhouse of Nutrition
Wheatgrass juice is highly nutritious. It contains most of the vitamins and minerals needed for human maintenance, including complete protein with about 30 enzymes and approximately 70% crude chlorophyll(comparable to haemoglobin). Wheatgrass is also an excellent source of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulphur, cobalt, and zinc
Blood Purification
The high chlorophyll content of wheatgrass juice causes increased Hemoglobin production in the body which in turn increases the oxygen carrying capabilities of the blood. The increased capability of the blood to carry oxygen has a number of health benefits including purification of the blood, improving blood sugar disorders, helping combat toxins such as carbon monoxide and other traffic pollutants, cigarette smoke and heavy metals that can get into the blood.
Removal of Toxins & Anti-Inflammatory Agent
Chlorophyll has an anti-bacterial effect on wounds, and an anti-yeast effect in the digestive tract. It appears to counteract many toxins in the body. It also has the effect of reducing inflammation. Thus it can be used to help counteract the effects of arthritis, stomach ulcers, colitis, sore throats, and other inflammatory conditions.
Weight-Loss Supplement
Wheatgrass juice is a safe, effective, and an extremely potent aid to weight loss. It works by suppressing appetite, and by stimulating metabolism and circulation. it also acts as an energizer – Two ounces of fresh juice equals 3 pounds of organic vegetables in vitamins and minerals, enough to keep you refreshed all day. Wheat grass has only about 10-15 calories per teaspoon. It has no fat or cholesterol, has nearly a gram of protein per teaspoon, and includes all eight of the essential amino acids.
Wheatgrass juice benefits the blood cells, bones, glands, hair, kidneys, liver, muscles, spleen, teeth, and other body parts. Wheatgrass juice protects the lungs and blood from air and water pollution, cigarette smoke, toxins, and heavy metals.
These are just a few main Health Benefits of WheatGrass; there are several more that cannot be fit in a page; but this information should be convincing enough to make you understand the importance of this herb. So next time you order a juice or a smoothie, go for an extra shot of wheat grass in it!
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Hi, I have a question for anyone who would be willing to answer it. I was taking a look at a box of frozen what grass juice cubes today and though it is commonly known that wheat grass is nutritious the nutrition label basically gave no information that informed me of any nutrients it contains whatsoever, no vitamins, no minerals, nothing. It also costs $19 for one box so I was hesitant to purchase it unless I know it really is a superfood that does contain alot of nutrients.
Would anybody be able to let me know why 0 nutrients were listed on the label if wheat grass is so nutritious?
For a superior and the best in wheatgrass you need to check out this one and why I feel it' the best.
Cleanse, Alkalize and nourish! Get all three by consuming one drink and you can take it with you when you travel, go to the gym or anywhere, for a quick boost! A drink that is, organic and pure without any added man made ingredients. Cleanses your blood, alkalizes your body and is rich in nourishment with vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, antioxidants, minerals, and fiber.
I discovered this highly nutritional organic powdered wheatgrass where 4 packets are equivalent to one tray of wheatgrass. The packets are used upon opening, not like a jar, which every time it is opened oxidizes and loses some of its nutritional value. This product is cold dried to maintain live enzymes and nutrients when combined with water.
The roots contain cancer fighting nutrients not found in the blades. Tastes like a green tea, not nauseous or pungent. Try a free sample, simply go to http://www.BestOrganicWheatgrass.com and fill out the form on the home page. Let me know what you think!
You have to love the purity and cleansing of wheatgrass. It is so nutrient rich and wheatgrass has an ancient history of being the food of the people the healer and giver of life.
Wheatgrass supercharges many wellness programs. It is a simple grass that is over looked, WHY? Simplicity tends to no be as sexy as the latest gadget or fad.
However if you were to really think about what wheatgrass is and what it will do for you then it become the wonder plant it become the new found cure. Wheatgrass is not new it has been around for years centuries however it has been over looked and passed by.
Check it out wheatgrass could be your best health care plan.
Wheatgrass Information
I use Wheatgrass in powder form its much easier to take and work with.
nice info! you have a nice site here! good work:)
great read! found it useful:) never knew the power packed into wheatgrass!
you have a great blog here! thanks for sharing so much useful info! I’m off to check out your potato salad recipe now:)