Office workers can experience a lot of health problems. Everything from the way you sit at your desk to the building materials used in the office can have an impact. Some of these things will most definitely be in your control, so time to take charge!
Focus on Air Quality
If your office building has poor ventilation, then the quality of the air inside can become poor. Even offices with good ventilation can have problems with air quality, as even good air conditioning units can spread bacteria and microbes around the office as they move air around. Low air quality can cause problems like losing the ability to focus, headaches, and respiratory illnesses. If possible, try putting up some office-plants around you. They will improve the air quality and also lift your mood! If you can’t change the air in the building, try to at least get some fresh air on your lunch break.
Get an Ergonomic Desk Set-Up
The majority of those who work in offices spend a lot of time sitting at a desk, and this can cause health issues. Your desk should have a proper ergonomic set-up, so your body is comfortably supported. Sitting down for too long can lead to all kinds of health issues, aches and pains, and weight gain. If your desk is poorly set up, this can result in back and shoulder pain, carpal tunnel, and other problems. Adjust your work station so your back has proper support, and everything on the surface of the desk can be reached comfortably without awkward twisting and stretching.
Advocate for Optimum Lighting
Most office buildings are lit with bright fluorescent lighting. It is important to work in a space that is well lit, but if the space is too brightly lit, which many offices are, this can lead to health concerns. Lights that are too bright can impact melatonin production, the hormone which controls your ability to fall sleep. Too much bright light can interfere with your body’s circadian rhythm, making it more difficult to fall asleep. The lights can also lead to eye strain and headaches. Get more natural light to your desk if you can, and swap your desk lamp for one with a softer bulb.
Avoid Long Working Hours
Working long hours obviously causes problems like exhaustion and burn-out, but it has also been connected to other problems. Working long hours will also boost your stress levels, and these increased levels of stress can cause you to be at higher risk of conditions like stroke and heart disease. Try to maintain a good work-life balance, use your allowed vacation time and don’t force yourself to go into the office when you are unwell.
Report Dangerous Building Materials
Buildings that were built a long time ago can have unsafe building materials, long before we realized that such materials were deemed hazardous. One of the most dangerous is asbestos. Asbestos was once used a lot in buildings but we know now that it causes a lot of health issues, including several forms of cancer. If the owner hasn’t taken steps to remove dangerous materials, and you have become ill, you can reach out to lawyers experienced in mesothelioma cases for advice.
Remember, nothing is more important than your health, and for most of us, our workplace is where we spend the most significant amount of day. So pay attention to your surroundings, and make it a place that you would enjoy and thrive in, not feel suffocated and stressed! Even small changes go a long way, and these small changes will pay off in terms of better health, and better quality of work delivered – a win-win situation for all!
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